Rules for CalVirt Stamp Show, 21st Jan to 2nd Feb 2022

Show Purpose: To encourage collectors to prepare exhibits by allowing all-comers to participate in a low-key exhibition of a wide variety of philatelic material. Both experts and recent converts to stamp collecting are very welcome to become involved in exhibiting and reviewing the exhibits. The emphasis will be on new or experimental exhibits.

Formal exhibiting requires close adherence to exhibiting rules (see 7th Edition of Manual of Philatelic Judging); however, this show is an opportunity to stretch the boundaries of what you display and how you display it. You can submit hand-written, typewritten or computer generated exhibits of one page to 8 frames on any topic provided it is appropriate for a general audience.

Eligibility: Classes are open to any exhibitor unless limited by age, experience level or awards solely for a specified type of exhibit. Exhibits must be in English, they may be submitted by anybody regardless of where you live, your club affiliation.

All entries must be the bona fide property of the exhibitor and cannot include copies of philatelic material from other sources. CalVirt 2022 reserves the right to request further documentation if questions arise regarding ownership.

Class 1. One Page to 15 Page exhibits. This Class enables anybody to submit single items of philatelic interest or groups of items on a particular subject. This is a great opportunity to test layouts or explore new subjects even if you do not have sufficient material to fill a frame.

Class 2. One Frame Exhibits shall consist of one frame only. Equivalent to 16 standard pages, the original exhibit must be able to fit in a standard frame.

Class 3. Multi-frame Exhibits shall consist of not less than two frames (32 pages) nor more than eight frames (128 pages). Multi-frame exhibits should consist of complete frames.

A separate entry form is required for each exhibit.
Exhibitors may be limited in the number of exhibits they submit if the event becomes over-subscribed.

Synopses are optional but are very helpful for single frame and multi-frame exhibits so that judges can get a deeper understanding of the exhibit.

What is a page?: Traditionally a page in North America is 8.5” x 11”. We know we can accommodate single and double pages on our website. We are continuing to experiment with other page sizes to determine their compatibility. If you are using different sizes of page, please get in touch with Dave Bartlet so we can confirm compatibility. Each page of an exhibit must be a full size digital version of an actual physical page owned by you.

Judging All exhibits will qualify for ‘People’s Choice’ awards. An on-line voting form will be available for interested individuals to select their favourite exhibits in a variety of groupings (Novice, Best in show, most innovative etc.)

We will attempt to find a qualified judge to provide feedback for the Single frame and Multi-frame exhibits, these will likely require a $5.00 per frame fee - more information will be provided later.
Members of the Calgary Association of Philatelic Exhibitors (CAPE) will be available to provide comments on exhibits by request.

Insurance and Liability: The exhibitor is solely responsible for all insurance for the exhibit described on the entry form. The Calgary Philatelic Society (CPS), CalVirt 2022, and any of their representatives shall not be liable for damage or loss of any kind or for any reason whatsoever. The Calgary Philatelic Society acknowledges that it is possible for outsiders to access copies of material shown on the website. All entries will be identified on the website by either a pseudonym or ‘Anonymous’.

Entry forms: Will be available on the website - (one per exhibit) and should be submitted as soon as possible.

Submitting Exhibits: A .pdf of your exhibit MUST be received by Dave Bartlet by 16 January 2022. Please use 300dpi resolution in order to optimize the size of files. Please contact Dave Bartlet ( if you have questions regarding how to submit an electronic exhibit.

Entry Fees: There are no entry fees for exhibits and all exhibits will be considered for ‘People’s Choice’ recognition. A fee of $5.00 per frame will be charged if you wish your exhibit to formally judged by a qualified National Judge.

Awards: Any physical awards will only be made to paid-up members of the CPS. Anyone can participate as a Guest of the CPS. Guests are welcome to join the CPS by contacting the Membership Chairman (Murray Bialek) – see Signup/Payment Form – Calgary Philatelic Society

Authority: Any and all questions that may arise concerning CalVirt, which are not provided for by the prospectus Rules, shall be decided by the Exhibition Committee in its sole and absolute discretion. Jury decisions are final.

Key Dates: Preliminary – subject to change
1st Dec. 2021 (Wed) – Open for entries

16th Jan 2022 (Sun) – Last date for submitting entries

21st Jan 2022 (Fri) – Show opens on CPS Website (

26th Jan 2020 (Wed) – CAPE Meeting – Discussion of exhibits – Zoom meeting – all
Welcome 7:00 pm (MST).

29th Jan 2022 (Sat)* – Judge’s Feedback – Zoom Meeting

31st Jan 2022 (Mon) – People’s Choice voting ends at midnight (MST)

2nd Feb 2022 (Wed) – CPS General Meeting – People’s Choice results 7:00 pm (MST).

- Exhibits will remain accessible on the website for reference after the show.

*To be determined

Questions/Concerns/Suggestions: Please direct to the Exhibits Chair: Dave Russum, Email
Phone (403) 284 4775. Technical questions should be directed to Dave Bartlet

Click to view a How-To document on One Page exhibiting written by Peter Butler of the North Toronto Stamp Club.

Click to view CalVirt 2022 Rules and Regulations