

General meetings are held on the first Wednesday of the month, (except July and August) beginning with auction viewing starting at 1900, auction called at 1945, general meeting beginning at 2000, followed by a presentation. Refreshments are served after the presentation.

CPS Mid Month Auction

Are held the third Wednesday of the month (except July, August, and December) at the Kerby Centre, 2nd Floor Lecture room, 1133 - 7th Avenue, SW, at 1900, with viewing starting at 1900 .

BNAPS Regional Group

The ALBERTA REGIONAL GROUP of the BRITISH NORTH AMERICA PHILATELIC SOCIETY (BNAPS) meets the second Wednesday of the month (except July and August). Currently using Zoom.


The CALGARY ASSOCIATION OF PHILATELIC EXHIBITORS (CAPE) meets on the fourth Wednesday of the month. Attendance at CAPE meetings is open to ALL CPS members. Currently using Zoom.