The monthly Calgary Philatelic Society meets on the first Wednesday of the month from September to June. 1830 - Doors Open 1845 - Auction viewing 1930 - Auction calling 2000 - Business Meeting 2030 - Presentation 2100 - Adjournment There will be discussion and request for volunteers for the September CPS 2022 show.
The BNAPS Regional Group continues to conduct Zoom Virtual meetings as their meeting location is in a Seniors complex that is not presently allowing meetings for non residents. The zoom meetings start at 7PM MST and end by 9PM. 1850 - Zoom meeting opens 1900 - Meeting commences with Welcome and Administration 1915 - Presentations […]
The club conducts an auction night on the third Wednesday of the month from September to June. 1900 - Doors Open 1945 - Auction called 2030 - Adjournment
The monthly Calgary Association of Philatelic Exhibitors (CAPE) meets on the fourth Wednesday of the month from September to June. The meeting is presently done on Zoom. 1850 - Meeting Opens 1900 - Business Meeting 1915 - Presentation 2100 - Adjournment There will be discussion TBA.