Calgary Philatelic Society Monthly Meeting This meeting is currently planned as an in-person meeting at the Kerby Centre. 630PM - Doors Open 7PM - Auction Viewing 745PM - Auction called 8PM - Business meeting 830PM - Presentation
The BNAPS Regional Group continues to conduct Zoom VIrtual meetings as their meeting location is in a Seniors complex that is not presently allowing meetings for non residents. The zoom meetings start at 7PM MST and end by 9PM. 1850 - Zoom meeting opens 1900 - Meeting commences with Welcome and Administration 1915 - Presentations […]
The club conducts an auction night on the third Wednesday of the month from September to June. 1900 - Doors Open 1945 - Auction called 2030 - Adjournment
The monthly Calgary Association of Philatelic Exhibitors (CAPE) meets on the fourth Wednesday of the month from September to June. The meeting is presently done on Zoom. 1850 - Meeting Opens 1900 - Business Meeting 1915 - Presentation 2100 - Adjournment There will be discussion TBA.